Couple Testimonials
Couple Testimonials
Read through some of the stories from couples that have been through the Retrouvaille program. Names are not used in this section to protect the couple's identities.
Testimonial | |
We were headed for divorce when the Holy Spirit led us to Retrouvaille.
We continued thru the Post sessions and attend every CORE fo the first few years and now our marriage couldn't be stronger. - (Read Full Testimonial) |
"You will forever be my always." This thought was slipping away at a rapid pace for us.
Our last-ditch effort was Retrouvaille, which was mentioned in ?Dear Abby? several months prior and tucked away in the recesses of the mind. For good reason! We attended our Retrouvaille Weekend and while it was not a quick fix or instant miracle, - (Read Full Testimonial) |
Blended Family Blessed by Experience
This program helped us with communication and in dealing with the problem of my children accepting my new husband. What a blessing it has been to us as a family. - (Read Full Testimonial) |
We'd visited several one-on-one marriage counselors for months at a time with little benefit.
This program is a Catholic-based ministry but DON'T LET THAT DISSUADE YOU if you're not Catholic. Couples of all faiths are welcome. I was raised Jewish and am an atheist now; my wife is a non-practicing Lutheran. We'd absolutely go through the prog - (Read Full Testimonial) |
We don't like conflict so we just didn't talk. Never. Discussed. Issues.
I had a sick feeling during counseling, that I was viewed as nothing but a paycheck to the counselor and that if she could keep me coming back, then she was getting paid. NOT the case in Retrouvaille. These volunteers speak from years of experience a - (Read Full Testimonial) |
Blended family, second marriage, betrayal and coming clean
The cautious feeling for the unknown at the Retrouvaille weekend soon became safe with a realization no one was there to judge but only to support us. - (Read Full Testimonial) |
I Owed Him One Last Try
Retrouvaille fundamentally changed the way we communicate. - (Read Full Testimonial) |
We could not talk without arguing.
Eventually, our marriage entered a second honeymoon. We are able to live in harmony thanks to the skills we learned in the Retrouvaille program. - (Read Full Testimonial) |
We Needed to Refresh Our Marriage
It was wonderful. This program should be a part of everyone's marriage and it needs to begin very early in your marriage. We learned so much about each other we didn't know. - (Read Full Testimonial) |
This program gave us the opportunity to move our marriage relationship beyond what we ever perceived
Within 36 hours we began to experience the collapse of the wall we had built up between us over years and years of poor communication, selfishness and hurt. - (Read Full Testimonial) |
Stress of Military Life was Tearing Us Apart
Our Retrouvaille experience helped us so much to better deal with the problems we were facing. - (Read Full Testimonial) |
Back from Betrayal
We were that couple that everyone thought had it all. Success, great kids, great house, luxury cars, frequent travel, etc. - (Read Full Testimonial) |
Our Children Now See Marriage Takes Commitment
By using the tools we were given, we have been able to build the loving and intimate relationship that we both craved and that God intends for us. Retrouvaille saved our marriage and our family. - (Read Full Testimonial) |