• No matter how much you are hurting
    No Marriage is Beyond Hope
    There is a light at the end of the tunnel.
  • When life takes you on different paths
    You Can Find the Love Again
    Give Retrouvaille a Chance.
  • There is a Better Way to Communicate to
    Put Your Marriage Back on Track
    When the old way is simply not working.
  • No matter how hopeless it seems, you can
    Learn How to Forgive & Trust
    & find the love you once shared..
  • Going Your Separate Ways is Harder
    Rediscover Your Commitment
    Let Retrouvaille Help.

Retrouvaille is a lifeline for marriages..... ...a program to help couples heal and renew their marriages.

A Weekend Away Can Make The Difference

A marriage help program that gives couples the opportunity to sign off, get away, and examine their lives together in a real and realistic way. It’s based on the belief that marriage is the most significant relationship on earth and is worth investing your time, energy and efforts to make it the best it can be. The weekend is hard work, but more worthwhile than can ever be explained.

Tens of Thousands of Couples Have Been Helped

Retrouvaille offers tools needed to rediscover a loving marriage. Tens of thousands of couples from those with slight problems to those in dire need have found this to be the solution to their  marriage issues by attending the program, which begins with a Weekend Experience that is followed by a series of follow-up sessions to help keep your marriage on track and further develop the tools learned.

You Will Never Share Your Personal Issues with Others

The Retrouvaille program is not a marriage encountermarriage retreatmarriage counseling, or a marriage seminar, although they share some similarities. You will not be sharing your issues with other people. You will hear from couples that have been through the program themselves. They will share their personal journey from brokenness to reconciliation.

A Program for Couples That Can Use Improvement

It is for couples that are simply not communicating well, all the wayt to those who are considering marriage separation or divorce. It is also for those who are already separated or divorced that want marriage help. Some couples come to Retrouvaille during the initial signs of a marriage prissueoblem. Other couples are in a state of despair and hopelessness when they attend the program. Some couples have been married for many years, while others have been married only a short time and encountered trouble.

A Marriage Help Program that Teaches Effective Communication

The presenting team, three couples and a priest or pastor couple presents a technique of communication that enables you to take a good look at many areas of your relationship. The team provides practical tools for improving your marriage. Unlike marriage counselors, they will share how they were able to benefit from these techniques themselves. After each presentation you will have time for reflection and discussion in complete privacy with your spouse.

Find a Program Near You

Scheduled regularly in more than 160 communities worldwide, the weekend begins on a Friday evening and ends Sunday afternoon. It is not a ‘miracle cure'; so the post-weekend sessions have been designed to continue the marriage renewal begun on the weekend. The post-weekend phase is as crucial, maybe more critical, to the healing of marriage problems. During these sessions, the techniques learned on the weekend are further developed and used to explore additional areas of your marriage relationship.